Make your voice heard in Oklahoma grassroots politics!
In the last two years, the Grassroots majority of the WCGOP has made a huge impact in promoting conservative, Republican values here in Washington County.
Please attend the upcoming Precinct Meeting and County Convention and vote for this work to continue!
Download our campaign graphic to share: Campaign Graphic.
What We’ve Accomplished:
Urged voters to vote no to charter changes
The WCGOP stood against changes to the Bartlesville charter that would have lessened public comment, lengthened terms of council members, and moved elections to lower turnout dates, and the voters defeated those changes on April 2, 2024!
Flipped two city council seats to stop drag shows
In a two-year effort, the WCGOP members worked to stand with voters and against drag shows. Two city council seats were overturned thanks to many efforts by our members.
Our County Committee met almost every quarter, working on party business, and passing many resolutions, including condemning our state senator’s legislation to bring abortion back to Oklahoma.
stopped green agenda and surveillance
Our WCGOP Committee members raised concerns about the green agenda in a city Comprehensive Plan and thanks to that pressure, the plan is now being amended. The County Sheriff is working to stop the bringing in of Flock Cameras after WCGOP members raised 4th Amendment rights concerns.
WCGOP County Officers Voted To Censure Sen. Lankford for Border deal
In January 2024, WCGOP County Officers Attended a State Committee meeting and supported censuring Sen. Lankford for a border deal with Sen. Schumer that would have opened the border to thousands more illegals. This censure was covered by national news, and killed the bill.
Our Commitment
Support the Republican Platform
Promote Candidates who defend Republican values
Track Legislation and performance of office holders
Upcoming Events
All registered Republicans should attend Joint Precinct Meeting. Monday, January 27
6:30pm at Calvary Chapel, 1607 Swan Dr, Bartlesville
Precinct map available here.
March 8 - County Convention
NOTE: You MUST attend the Precinct Meeting and sign up as a Delegate to vote at the Convention
Washington County GOP Convention. Saturday, March 8th 9:00am At St. John’s Father Lynch Hall, 715 S. Johnstone Ave., Bartlesville